Friday, March 25, 2011

My little babies

Good Morning!

Going to have coffee with the awesome and talented Mario Barberio,, and drool over all the new images we just shot for the lingerie catalog :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

When your haters stalk you so much they become your biggest fans...

This is directed toward one person who happens to be OBSESSED with my husband: Look lady, anyone who constantly talks about getting cheated on, aren't they just telling the whole world that they're bad in bed?! LMAO
Oh and I have to add, if you really think I'm all plastic don't you think I would fix the bump in my nose? It's all real baby, well except for the you know what.... ;-) gotta love all your haters

Monday, March 7, 2011

Love my girls!

At Le Pain with Raquel, Julie and Alex ;-)

Also congratulations to my Julie on her new engagement! Mike is one lucky man!