Tuesday, November 30, 2010

For Anyone Who's Ever Had A Skin Problem

So anybody who knows me well enough knows that I have been through hell with my skin last year and several months into the new year as well. I was breaking out like a freakin teenage boy it was so bad. I guess you could say I took a little break from the modeling world because I couldn't stand to keep going to photo shoots with my skin a mess and always having the makeup artist interrogate me about what I was eating, drinking, doing and what stressful situations I had in my life. It being my job to look nothing short of my best I couldn't do that to those that were hiring me either. I would come home and just cry. Who gets acne in their mid twenties? I'm NOT a teenager anymore! The doctors prescribed Accutane. They told me, "this has made people suicidal". I said, "just fucking give it to me". Thank God I didn't become depressed but I got headaches and horrible chapped lips. I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me feel a little weird. Finally, last summer, my beautiful girlfriend Alex told me I had to see Rita at Rita's Institute for Beautiful Skin in Santa Monica. I don't know exactly what Rita does but she's GOOD. I started going to her every couple of weeks and my skin changed dramatically. The breakouts went from BIG to LITTLE to NONE. She is the best at extractions and cleaning out the pores and gives you such soothing, relaxing facial at the same time. And she introduced me to the right products for my extremely sensitive skin. My friends cannot stop asking me what it is that I did and I have to say Rita is my secret and now I swear by her. I love my glowy skin!! I would recommend Rita to anybody who's ever struggled with a skin problem and anyone who wants to maintain healthy skin. Too learn more about her or book a facial go to: http://www.ritaskin.com/

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