Monday, February 28, 2011

What I've been up to lately...

I've been having lots of great times with family and friends lately. A couple weekends ago one of my best girlfriends that I grew up with in Texas came to visit me. We had a wonderful time doing all the touristy LA stuff- Hollywood, Bev Hills, Rodeo..we even stopped by the Playboy Mansion to see Hef and had 2 fun times at Cafe Med with my husband! There's nothing like having a friend who's known you since you were 5 years old! I love you Lyndsey Darnell!
I had some minor surgery last week and have been at home recovering under the care of my wonderful husband, Sebastien and my 2 little puppies Bebes and Belley.
Looking forward to seeing my Momma who's coming in town from Dallas this weekend! I hope everyone has a great week! Kiss :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Katsuya with the crew getting ready for "Women of Perfection"

Come see me February 12th at the Holiday Inn in Torrance, CA!
I'll be selling and giving away autographed photos and all kinds of special goodies! ;)

Photo (L to R) Sebastien, Myself, Marty, Amber Smith, Christi Shake, Jason, Nicole Narain, and Tabitha Taylor.