Monday, February 28, 2011

What I've been up to lately...

I've been having lots of great times with family and friends lately. A couple weekends ago one of my best girlfriends that I grew up with in Texas came to visit me. We had a wonderful time doing all the touristy LA stuff- Hollywood, Bev Hills, Rodeo..we even stopped by the Playboy Mansion to see Hef and had 2 fun times at Cafe Med with my husband! There's nothing like having a friend who's known you since you were 5 years old! I love you Lyndsey Darnell!
I had some minor surgery last week and have been at home recovering under the care of my wonderful husband, Sebastien and my 2 little puppies Bebes and Belley.
Looking forward to seeing my Momma who's coming in town from Dallas this weekend! I hope everyone has a great week! Kiss :)

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